Final Race/Class Poll Results

We know that there would be some members who are having second thought on their main classes and we have decided to have another round of class polls. Below are the results!

It is quite interesting to see how the class demographics has shifted from ourĀ previous poll. Necromancer sees a surge of players wanting to roll it, while Ranger hit rock bottom. It’s also nice to see that our previously huge demand for Warrior has now dipped down nicely. I daresay our classes are pretty balance now.

In the race department, it seem that a lot more players have decided to go with Human, and Norn now overtakes Charr as the least popular race in the guild. There’s also a big increase for Asura, which we are not surprised after we finally had the opportunity to play them in the last BWE. Asuras have the best animations in GW2 hands down.


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