Yakisoba @ Battlefield 3

A late update, but currently Yakisoba is playing Battlefield 3!

Our platoon is up, click on the link and request to join. We are still looking for more active players to join us on our nightly affairs on our own dedicated 32 player server, hosted by Hypernia. Our server is managed by myself, Tsubaki (tsubaakiii) and Shader (ShaderX) running the best map rotation of 1 conquest 2 rush and removing the useless laggy Tehran Highway. The server also has Friendly-fire on and Kill-Cam removed. Requirements is that you join mumble while playing with us, as teamwork is so crucial to BF3.

Members will get priority into the server, request on mumble to either myself or Shader to free up a slot for you. As for now the current server version does not support slot reservation, but we believe it will be release in a couple of updates soon. When that happens, members will be added into the VIP list and will be able to join into our server without queuing for a slot.

We play daily, so join us. Also do join us on our facebook group for more active discussions and updates.

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